I’ve done quite a bit of blogging lately on minority talent — minority seems like the wrong word when speaking of some of the most gifted Hispanic authors and creatives on the planet. I’m including this special post to honor those who touch lives every day with their talent.
Notable Hispanic Authors 
Last year (2019), Oprah Magazine featured an article on “10 Spanish-Language Authors Whose Books Will Change Your Literary World.” I found it inspiring. Check it out here.
It’s been gratifying to work with Hispanic authors as a book editor and ghostwriter. Sin, Prayer, Forgiveness & Miracles is one example of a true-life account of a faith-based author who hired me to help with the editing.
Sin, Prayer, Forgiveness & Miracles by Louis Martinez
“The intention of this book is to encourage both believers and nonbelievers to a closer walk with their Creator, Jesus Christ, and to remind them that God does answer prayer. This book was born out of the author’s promise to God to write of the miracles he would live. The author truly hopes to encourage someone to believe of the daily existence of an Almighty God.”
~ Louis Martinez
Notable Hispanic Creatives
Nicole Mora, Frosted Betty, and Food Networks’s Cupcake Wars
Houston Lifestyles & Homes Magazine — excerpt from my interview with Frederico and Nicole Mora
“Many have heard of Frosted Betty, the “girl power” cupcake shop with two storefronts and a hip traveling van. Entrepreneur Nicole Mora, 25, owns the business and operates out of the Heights and in Katy. Yet few know about her most loyal supporter and baking assistant… her dad!
In an interesting role reversal, Frederico Mora works behind the scenes baking, answering phones and performing any other task necessary to supply cupcake delights to customers. In fact, he’ll spend Father’s Day weekend with his daughter in the bakery — preparing sweets for others to enjoy on the special occasion.
Seldom has a father-daughter relationship been so close, and in this case, televised! The Moras appeared on the ninth episode of Season 2 of The Food Network’s Cupcake Wars — the Valentine’s Day special. Many viewers were touched by Frederico’s quiet, loving support as he and Nicole competed together against three bakeries from around the nation. While performing in front of a live televised audience, the father and daughter team seemed to read each other’s minds.
The show first aired Feb. 8 and is now in reruns. “We filmed in Los Angeles and kept bumping into the cameras,” says Frederico. “You can’t really experience the stress unless you are there, competing and being filmed.” The fateful phone call inviting them to the show prompted a flurry of activity. “My sons Andrew and Fredrick helped put together an impromptu audition tape, and the next thing we knew, we were on a plane!” Frederico provided the emotional support as the duo made it to the third round. “Nicole was disappointed when she didn’t go all the way. But she fought like a champion.”
Local Artist is Inspired by Light and Shadow
Houston Lifestyles & Homes Magazine — excerpt from my interview with Gary J. Hernandez
“The Woodlands area artist, Gary J. Hernandez, has found international recognition for his paintings that are done in the style called contemporary realism. He is a man who has always been artistically oriented, but grounded in reality.
Throughout his childhood in Victoria, Texas, he was introduced to classical artists in school. On his own initiative, he visited the local library to learn more and strived to duplicate the works of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. His art studies continued in high school, but he delayed a career as an artist due to the responsibilities of marriage and fatherhood. The realities of providing for a young family took center stage.
It would take another decade before Hernandez became a full-time artist. “I’m a practical person,” he says. “I didn’t exactly know how to earn a living as an artist, so I worked full time for a sign company and took classes at the Houston Museum of Fine Arts School of Art, now known as the Glassell School of Art.” During this time he became influenced by the mid-19th century German painter Franz Winterhalter and the chiaroscuro (Italian for light and shadow) techniques of the Renaissance painters.
According to Hernandez, professional artists must practice every day. He devoted himself full time to a realistic style of painting referred to as contemporary realism and focus on the figurative and representational art forms derived from real objects. His creations have been in national magazines, galleries and entered in juried competitions, and have been showcased in New York, New Mexico, Illinois, Massachusetts, Arizona, Connecticut, Kansas, and Florida, as well as the Contemporary Arts Museum in Houston.
Hernandez’ use of hyperrealism techniques enables him to create portraits that resemble high resolution photography. “A Warm Gaze” was featured in the Salon International 2011 at Greenhouse Gallery of Fine Art in San Antonio, one of the most prestigious and highly respected juried exhibitions. It was among 415 paintings selected from 1,163 entries representing 47 states, the District of Columbia and 13 additional countries. The painting was also featured at the 2013 International Guild of Realism’s member exhibition in Tempe, Arizona.”
Contact me for writing and editing assistance
If you have a story to tell and are interested in writing a book or having the manuscript edited, contact me at melaniesaxton@icloud.com. We can discuss your project in-depth, including price, timeline, and deliverables. Let’s get started!