Does your sci-fi novel need editing? This past January 2nd, the world celebrated National Science Fiction Day — a reminder that 2023 is a brand new year for launching sci-fi books.
This particular genre is one of my favorites. I started devouring Ender’s Game and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy in the 1980s, and later Dune (published in 1965) and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, a classic in both horror and sci-fi published in 1818.

The point is that sci-fi is timeless and has evolved into subgenres such as Alternate History, Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic, Space Opera, Steampunk, and more. Vintage sci-fi makes for excellent reading and is an inspiration for penning the modern sci-fi masterpieces of today.
Will Your Sci-Fi Novel become a Cherished Bestseller Too?
With careful attention to writing and professional editing, along with powerful marketing, your sci-fi novel has great potential to attract readers. The number of sci-fi fans and new titles increases every year, as the Goodreads 2022 Choice Awards list shows.
Make sure you launch the best version of your story possible (which is where the editing comes in). Whether you are tackling space monsters, futuristic technology, dystopian worlds, time travel, philosophical ponderings, and other faraway plots that seem prescient today — your story adds to the big, beautiful world of science fiction.
Why Book Editing Matters
Don’t skimp on beta readers and a second set of eyes (an editor) to ensure your book is a marvel. Book editors are objective. They provide honest feedback on your work. They find and help correct overlooked issues. They help do your storyline justice. They partner with you to ensure your book is launch-worthy. They have the best interests of you and your manuscript at heart.
Contact me, and let’s discuss your sci-fi novel. You might have questions about timelines, deliverables, and the editing process. You might have questions about costs and deadlines. I am very happy to answer and provide details about editing and publishing.
Email today!