As a screenwriter, I really love movies. Even bad movies. Why? Because I learn something by watching the action, the scenes, the character development. I envision how the script was first compiled and how the director and actors later interpreted it. It’s like mini practice session every time I step foot in a theater or watch TV in my living room.
Netflix Tips
Netflix, Hulu and Amazon are remarkably engaged in original screenplays, and so I follow news and updates to find the latest, greatest programming.
For home viewing, Netflix was my first introduction to a streaming service and is still my primary go-to channel — a great source of entertainment and (in my case) inspiration. But I had no idea that I was missing out on some of movies and TV series featured on the platform. Fortunately, I stumbled across some tech news.
Check out this article in Totally the Bomb which lists secret codes that unlocks “everything” on Netflix, meaning the hidden categories you might not yet have accessed.
A Mashable article explains how you can find “the first show you ever binge-watched,” sort of a time portal into your own viewing habits.
Faith-Based Streaming Services
If you enjoy faith-based and family-friendly shows, the following list might spark your on-demand interest:
• Pureflix
• 24 Flix
• Crossflix
• UP Faith & Family
• Dove Channel
You can also stream the family-friendly Dry Bar Comedy feed on Facebook. And while you’re at it, check out this great how-to article on parental controls.
European Streaming
For fans of British television (like me), the following companies offer streaming services:
Apple Jumping Into the Streaming Biz
In just a few days (March 25, to be exact), Apple will announce its launch of a subscription-based streaming service with plans to partner with networks such as HBO, Showtime and Starz. What does this mean for viewers? More original programming and more opportunities for screenwriters!