I can assure you that ten years ago I would have never dreamed that there would be a “Melanie Saxton Podcast” appearance with the awesome Scott Pitney of YourChron.com. But a few years ago in 2018, on my birthday no less, Scott invited me onto his fun podcast which features a variety of voices, from authors to entrepreneurs to travelers. His slogan is:
A means for extraordinary people to leave a part of their legacy by telling their extraordinary stories to friends, family, and an audience that too desires to learn from peoples’ life experiences.
Scott is a full-time entrepreneur and businessman who has spent thousands of hours interviewing people from all walks of life — but I first got to know him from his web comedy golf sitcom FORE! in which he acted and directed. Hilarious!
Melanie Saxton Podcast — On My Birthday
Since this podcast interview landed on my birthday, former clients wished me happy birthday in real-time on Facebook as I talked to Scott. Chief Meteorologist Frank Billingsley of KPRC (Channel 2) in Houston was one of them, the author of Swabbed & Found (I was his book editor — read all about it here).
Here’s the Link to the Podcast
If you have about an hour and want to listen to Scott and I banter back and forth, give the podcast interview a listen. I’ll post more podcasts from author clients who have been interviewed by Scott in future posts.
Full disclaimer — not only do I know Scott from his web show FORE! but I’ve also collaborated on his upcoming book and other projects. What a truly talented actor, director, screenwriter, and podcaster — he’s known as a “Renaissance Man.”
Please contact me at melaniesaxton@icloud.com to collaborate on YOUR project! I love working with authors in almost every genre, especially memoirs and autobiographies.