Reporter Journalist — and Wedding Editor (October 2015)

Wedding Editor

I’ve worn so many hats in my writing career — book editor, ghostwriter, magazine writer, reporter, journalist and wedding editor! As a contributing editor for Fort Bend publishing, my assignments ran the gamut — sports, politics, celebrities, causes… and architecture with a splash of interior design. My work appeared in Fort Bend Lifestyles & Homes, The Woodlands lifestyles & Homes, Houston Lifestyles & Homes, Katy Lifestyles & Homes, and CyFair Lifestyles & Homes.

As you’ll see in the October 2015 edition of, two particular articles were featured in Fort Bend Lifestyles & Homes magazine — one about interior décor (always a fun writing gig) and the other about an incredibly lovely wedding.

Some of my favorite assignments were bridal pieces that covered all the details, from when a couple met, the proposal, the planning, and all the way to the vows! And usually… they were “WOW vows” spoken in beautiful venues filled with family, friends, and lots of love.

I’ll start with the article titled: “Furniture and Interior Design Trends — A Fusion of Styles.” I adore the photography and fall colors — screenshot for this blog and a real step into the autumn season.

Interior Design and a Glorious Fall Theme

wedding editor

Wedding Editor

And now for the wedding! I get so excited documenting the love journeys of couple and their thoughtfully themed weddings. This particular wedding featured a beautiful bride and her military groom — such a romantic love story.

wedding editor

A lot of people ask me how I became a wedding editor. The answer? I was given the assignment and title, chosen from a staff of magazine professionals. It probably helped that I had a young teen daughter at the time who was enamored of “all thing weddings,” and we had a great time reading stories about brides and their gowns after my work was published. Someday I hope to plan a wedding for this special daughter and draw on all the wonderful love stories that inspired these pieces (more than sixty total written).

Do you need help writing your own story, perhaps a memoir or autobiography? I’m highly experenced as a book editor and ghostwriter, and would LOVE to work with you. Contact me at and let’s get started!