International Literacy Day — And Your Book Editor

UNESCO International Literacy Day

I would love to be your book editor. It’s a great honor to contribute to the world of literature as an editor, and an even greater honor to celebrate writing and reading during “national days.”

Occasions that encourage people to support literacy also promote the books my author clients write — the “oldies but goodies” and the newest offerings on the market.

This year on September 8, 2022, that’s exactly what the literary community will do — participate in International Literacy Day by reading books and honor an event that’s been in existence since 1967 (see the video above).

Choosing Your Book Editor

Your Book Editor
I’d love to be your book editor!

From children to grownups, the value of holding a good book in your hands cannot be measured. Actually writing a book and celebrating it on International Literacy Day means you are adding to the world’s literature.

This is an amazing feat of talent and a collaborative effort. After all, your job as an author is to write a book that no one else can. Your book editor’s job is to review it and correct errors in grammar, punctuation, subject-verb agreement, hyphenation, and much more.

Types of Book Editing

The purpose of book editing is to help produce better worldwide literature. With the advent of online bookseller sites like Amazon and Barnes & Noble, books can be sold anywhere on the globe. Thus, ensuring your book is in the best possible shape is paramount.

Research candidate book editors for their years of experience, educational backgrounds, volume of work, and testimonials. Interview each to assess the chemistry between (collaborative level and potential) and ask questions about timelines, deliverables, and cost.

Let’s Connect!

Contact me at and let’s consult about your project. You may be contemplating a fiction novel, a memoir, a self-help guide, an animal training book, or a history book. My job is to work with you and polish your manuscript to its greatest potential. I look forward to working with you!