Feed the search engines and draw traffic to your site by curating your business blog with professionally written SEO content by a WordPress expert.

I help with the technical writing, SEO, images, and narrative elements involved in curating your business blog.
From the products you carry to the services you sell, blogging is one of the most important — and cost-effective — ways to boost your brand and marketplace visibility.
The question is how to effectively push content into cyberspace amid competitors and saturated markets. That’s the art and science of expert business blogging. Optimized blog posts feed the search engines and draw traffic to your website.
Blogging Myths

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It’s simply not true that anyone can blog professionally. Some can write narratively, and some understand the technical aspects of a WordPress site, but not often do you find a highly proficient SEO wordsmith who specializes in curating your business blog from both angles.
Producing one well-research and well-designed blog post can take anywhere from an hour to three hours, depending on keywords, keyphrases, image permissions, outbound links, internal links, headings, subheadings, text length, and more. It really does take an expert.
Smart strategies and a background in marketing help turn an underperforming blog into a powerhouse. Believe me, I trained to produce online content through graduate coursework in digital media. But honestly, working hands-on for a boutique marketing and website firm established my love for the online world and an intense interest in what works best.
The More You Share Well-Crafted, Optimized Posts, the More Attention Your Site Receives
Of course, most business owners do not have the time to blog. Most are not trained in the art and science of this specialized profession. That’s where I come in.
All sectors of our economy benefit from well-written, well-optimized blog posts. There is no substitute for organic reach (read more about that here). Some businesses hire a business blogger in conjunction with paid Google ads to achieve high-ranking results and get the phone ringing. Others rely solely on consistent, purposeful SEO blogging to draw customers.
Let’s Discuss How Curating Your Business Blog Can Elevate Your Business
Contact me for custom blogging services that are specific to your brand, products, services, and goals! Let’s discuss what you do and why and strategize content that draws your target audience to your website.
You can reach me at melaniesaxton@icloud.com, and I truly look forward to working with you!