You can never have enough book marketing ideas, and the time to start thinking about promoting your book is while you are writing it. Once you’ve had it professionally edited and are about to launch it into the literary realm, you should already have an online presence.
Don’t panic, though, if you are late to the game. Better late than ever! The simple book marketing ideas below can help you catch up, including a YouTube video.
9 UNCOMMON Book Marketing & Promotion Tips
Basic Book Marketing Ideas
In my experience, the most successful authors have a marketing plan. They’ve studied what other authors have done to get the word out, or they’ve gone straight to the experts for assistance. More importantly, they’ve found ways (paid and unpaid) to convert these efforts into book sales.
The ideas presented below can help you form a plan, But if none of this is in your wheelhouse, count on me and/or other marketing professionals to get you over the hump and into the fast lane.
Social Media Marketing
Make the best use of free social media platforms — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Set up pages for personal and business posts. If this sounds easier said than done, then count on me to help. I must emphasize how important social media is. Don’t neglect it, ever, and learn from the article below:
If social media isn’t your area of expertise, don’t be afraid to invest in help. Hiring a professional to set up and design your pages can take the worry out of these first initial steps. Interview at least three professionals, including me, and decide who best knows you and your book and can deliver social media guidance and results. I design and administer pages for authors at a very reasonable cost, and I’m full of book marketing ideas.
An Author Website
Your website is your most powerful and effective marketing tool (especially with a blog, and we’ll discuss that next). The power of a WordPress website, professionally optimized, will showcase fun, compelling, and professionally written copy that attracts both readers and website traffic.
I have populated numerous dozens of sites with keyword-rich, search engine optimized content that feeds the search engines and brings potential book buyers to author sites. I recommend for website development and also for self-publishing book design services — and contact me to write the actual web content.
Your Blog
How do you consistently and cleverly feed the engines and draw traffic to your website? The answer is through blogging. A stagnant website does very little for your online presence, but putting fresh, compelling information into cyberspace creates news — and automated seekers of internet content love news. Yes, you can “feed” the spiders, crawlers, robots, and bots that roam the internet in search of news.
Book Marketing Ideas — Let’s Brainstorm!
The suggestions above are just the tip of the iceberg! Contact me at, and let’s discuss book marketing ideas that work with your schedule and budget.